경기도청 - 러시아 협력 주선

: 2015-05-27

  • On May 26th Gyeonggi province officials delegation headed by Mr. Choi, Hyun-deok. Assistant Governor for Economy introduced region investment potential to local companies and held B2B meetings with leading Russian enterprises at the beautiful hall provided by St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. St.Petersburg is the first leg of a week-long trip of Gyeonggido delegation to Russia and Belorussia focused on developing economic relationships with regional representatives of business circles and industry. Eurastech is an organizer of this visit with the kind support of Spb CCI
  • Cотрудничество между правительством провинции Кёнгидо и Казанским федеральным университетом было обсуждено во время визита делегации Кенгидо в Казань 27 мая link-click 
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